A Comprehensive Look at Public Schools in Monroe, LA

As an education expert, I have had the opportunity to closely examine the public school system in Monroe, Louisiana. Located in the northeastern part of the state, Monroe is home to a diverse population and a variety of public schools. In this article, I will provide an unbiased comparison of public schools in Monroe, LA to other schools in the state.

The Demographics of Monroe, LA

Before diving into the comparison, it is important to understand the demographics of Monroe, LA. According to the latest census data, the city has a population of approximately 48,000 people.

The racial makeup of the city is 59% African American, 38% White, and 3% other races. This diversity is reflected in the student population of public schools in Monroe.

Student Performance

One of the key factors in comparing public schools is student performance. In Monroe, LA, there are 22 public schools serving students from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. The Louisiana Department of Education uses a letter grade system to evaluate school performance based on various factors such as student achievement, progress, and graduation rates. Out of the 22 public schools in Monroe, only 4 received an A grade, while 6 received a B grade.

The remaining 12 schools received a C or below. This indicates that there is room for improvement in terms of overall student performance in public schools in Monroe. When compared to other schools in Louisiana, public schools in Monroe perform slightly below average. According to data from the Louisiana Department of Education, the state's average letter grade for public schools is a C. This means that while some schools in Monroe are performing well, there are also many that are struggling to meet state standards.

Teacher Quality

Another important aspect of a school's success is the quality of its teachers.

In Monroe, LA, the average teacher salary is $47,000, which is slightly lower than the state average of $50,000. However, this does not necessarily reflect the quality of teachers in public schools in Monroe. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the student-teacher ratio in public schools in Monroe is 16:1.This is slightly higher than the state average of 15:1.While this may seem like a small difference, it can have a significant impact on the quality of education students receive. Additionally, public schools in Monroe have a higher percentage of inexperienced teachers compared to other schools in Louisiana. According to data from the Louisiana Department of Education, 20% of teachers in Monroe have less than 3 years of experience, while the state average is 16%. This could potentially affect the quality of instruction and support for students.

Facilities and Resources

The physical environment and resources available to students can also play a role in their academic success.

In terms of facilities, public schools in Monroe vary greatly. Some schools have modern buildings and state-of-the-art equipment, while others are in need of updates and repairs. When it comes to resources, public schools in Monroe have access to the same state funding as other schools in Louisiana. However, there are some disparities when it comes to fundraising and donations from the community. Schools in more affluent areas tend to receive more support from parents and local businesses, which can provide additional resources for students.

Special Programs and Services

Public schools in Monroe offer a variety of special programs and services for students with different needs.

This includes special education, gifted and talented programs, and English as a Second Language (ESL) support. However, the availability and quality of these programs can vary between schools. Compared to other schools in Louisiana, public schools in Monroe have a higher percentage of students receiving special education services. According to data from the Louisiana Department of Education, 15% of students in Monroe receive special education services, while the state average is 12%. This could be due to a higher number of students with disabilities in the city or a greater focus on identifying and supporting these students.


In conclusion, public schools in Monroe, LA have their strengths and weaknesses when compared to other schools in the state.

While there are some high-performing schools, there is also room for improvement in terms of overall student performance. The quality of teachers and resources also vary between schools, which can impact student success. However, public schools in Monroe offer a diverse range of programs and services to meet the needs of their students. As an expert, I believe that with continued efforts to improve student performance and provide equal access to resources, public schools in Monroe can become top-performing schools in Louisiana.

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